‘The coolest school ever’ in Nacumona, Nampula province. It welcomes hundreds of children displaced by attacks in northern Mozambique

While instability continues in northern Mozambique and jihadist attacks are going on, the future of the younger generations is being cared for. Education is promoted, a real weapon against recruitment into armed groups and a guarantee for the future development of the country.

On 15 August, in Nacumona, a village in the district of Rapale, in the province of Nampula, a first primary school was inaugurated as part of the project ‘Construction and Strengthening of Structures in the Northern Provinces of Mozambique to Promote School Education and Peaceful Coexistence’. The project, financed by the German cooperation BMZ and implemented by the association Dream-Sant'Egidio, includes the construction and renovation of several primary schools and at least 650 scholarships for young displaced persons, 50% of which are reserved for women.
The area where the school is located has received a high number of displaced people from the province of Cabo Delgado as a consequence of the jihadist attacks that began in 2017. Until now, pupils used to learn without desks in a school made of mud and straw, whereas today it is a spacious and modern building.
At the inauguration, which took place in the presence of the Governor of Nampula, the representative of the BMZ, the local authorities and about a thousand people, all said with conviction that this is the coolest school built so far in the Rapale district.