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Never again alone: a home for elderly women in Lahore, Pakistan
2 Июль 2023 - ЛАХОР, ПАКИСТАН
ELDERLYAsiacohousingopened in the Christian quarter of Yohannabad yesterday
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Lahore is the new stage of the Spirit of Assisi in Pakistan
2 Декабрь 2020 - ЛАХОР, ПАКИСТАН
PakistanPrayer for Peacefraternity2020The International Meeting of Prayer for Peace in the capital of Punjab
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#SantEgidio50th - A great celebration in Lahore, Pakistan
24 Сентябрь 2018 - ЛАХОР, ПАКИСТАН
santegidio50Together with many youngsters, children of the School of Peace and Archbishop Sebastian Shaw
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