7 February 1968 - 2025. The Community is 57 years old. Best wishes, Sant'Egidio!

A year of prayer, with the poor, for peace in 10 snapshots

On 7 February 2025, the Community of Sant'Egidio is 57 years old. As we prepare to celebrate our anniversary, in Rome and in many parts of world, we look back with gratitude at the past year, full of many significant moments.

We have picked out just a few. 10 moments, 10 snapshots of this last year of the Community's life. They remind us that the path to follow is always the one the Saint Pope John Paul II proposed to the Community: not to set ‘any other boundary but that of charity, which knows no boundaries’.

Wrecks and Landings. The exhibition of artists with disabilities from Sant'Egidio Art Workshops presents migrants' stories, pain and expectations in Venice


April 2024. Italian President of Republic Mattarella visits the House of Friendship in Abidjan


July 2024. Andrea Riccardi in Mozambique


Summer of Solidarity in Cyprus. Sant'Egidio's Tent of Friendship has opened again: meals, language classes and solidarity with refugees and asylum seekers


August 2024 ‘A Global Friendship for a Future of Peace’ conference in Berlin. 1000 young Europeans gather in the name of solidarity and peace



September 2024. The International Meeting for Peace ‘Imaginer la Paix - Imagine Peace’ in Paris with women and men of the world religions 

November 2024: 1000 days war in Ukraine: pain, deaths, humanitarian emergency. Solidarity as resistance to war and hope for peace


November 2024: Pope Francis recognises the martyrdom of Floribert Bwana Chui paving the way for the beatification.



25 December 2024: it's Christmas for all!




February 2025: Marco Impagliazzo's appeal for children: let us rediscover the unitive tension in the world to guarantee all children of the human family the right to education that changes the world