The rainbow of children in the Nyumanzi refugee camp in Uganda

Eco-sustainable agriculture and development at the school of Sant'Egidio

A colorful and "human" rainbow formed by the children of the "School of Peace" of Sant'Egidio celebrated the beginning of the second scholastic quarter in the refugee camp of Nyumanzi, in Northern Uganda, an area of the world that hosts about one million of refugees.

In the school, open since 2014, around 1,000 children study for free. Most of them are refugees from South Sudan, but there is also a small group of Ugandans from the rural area near the refugee camp.

The inauguration coincided with the visit of a delegation of the Italian Cooperation, with which the Community carried out a project for the protection and inclusion of children from South Sudan.

Thanks to this project, the school has been able to create new sanitary facilities, a rainwater collection system, a sports field, solar panels and a "school garden" whose products are intended for feeding students and their families. The AICS delegation expressed all its satisfaction for the School, showing its willingness to continue working with new projects.

The school garden is located inside the school enclosure: it produces excellent quality vegetables and is irrigated thanks to the rainwater that is stored in the school's tanks (see photo in the gallery). Among the main products there is the okra (vegetable also present in the Mediterranean cuisine - Albanian, Greek, Turkish, Egyptian) with good nutritional qualities, rich in fiber and compounds with antioxidant properties. In the photos you can see our garden and the family members of the students who cultivate the land we have made available.