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28 Августейший 2021 - РИМ, ИТАЛИЯ

LiturgyLive streaming prayer

Twenty-second Sunday Vigil in the Ordinary TimeRemembrance of the martyrdom of John the Baptist, precursor of the Lord.

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Live stream Liturgy

24 Июль 2021

LiturgyLive streaming prayer

Eve of the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly.

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Live stream Liturgy

17 Июль 2021

LiturgyLive streaming prayer

Memorial of Saint Sergii Radonezhsky a monk who founded the Lavra (monastery) of the Most Holy Trinity near Moscow. Remembrance of the evangelical pastor Paul Schneider who died in the Nazi concentration camp of Buchenwald in 1939.

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Live stream liturgy chaired by Cardinal Vicar of Rome, H. Em. Angelo de Donatis

3 Июль 2021 - РИМ, ИТАЛИЯ

LiturgyLive streaming prayer

Feast of the apostle Thomas. He confessed Jesus as his Lord and, according to tradition, witnessed him all the way to India.

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