The 57th anniversary celebration of Sant'Egidio in the Basilica of St Paul Outside the Walls Thursday 13 February

Eucharistic liturgy at 6.30 p.m. with the ‘people’ of the Community, presided over by Cardinal Baldassare Reina, Vicar General of His Holiness.

On Thursday 13 February, at 6.30 p.m., in the basilica of San Paolo Fuori le Mura, in Rome, the liturgy for the ‘people’ of Sant'Egidio to celebrate its 57th anniversary. It will be presided over by Cardinal Baldassare Reina, Vicar of Pope Francis for the Diocese of Rome.

An occasion to thank the Lord for the gift of the Community and to celebrate together - people of all ages and social conditions, many friends and supporters. On this anniversary, during the Jubilee dedicated to the theme of hope, the still ongoing conflicts, such as those in Ukraine, the Middle East, northern Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of Congo, will not be forgotten, along with the growing poverty and environmental emergencies affecting so many countries. Under the banner of solidarity and commitment to peace.
Among the participants will be the homeless, some of whom have come off the streets thanks to the support of the Community, the elderly, the children of the Schools of Peace, people with disabilities, the ‘new Italians’ now integrated in our country and the refugees who have arrived with the Humanitarian Corridors. And also some Ukrainian refugees, suffering from a conflict that this very month is marking its third anniversary.
The past year has been full of important events, and we have recapped them in a photo gallery. These events express the hope and commitment to continue working for a world of peace, where no one is outcast.
This event in Rome is infact only the first of many others scheduled in the countries where Sant'Egidio is present, from Europe to Africa, from Asia to America.