4 October: Celebrating peace in Mozambique. Meetings and assemblies in schools in major cities and villages. An interreligious celebration in Maputo

The inter-religious ceremony broadcast on the Facebook page of Sant'Egidio Lusofonia

4th October is Dia da Paz in Mozambique. Celebrating the anniversary of the peace signed in Rome in 1992, on the day dedicated to Saint Francis, has been a commitment of the Mozambican Communities of Sant'Egidio throughout the country, with public initiatives: marches, meetings in schools, moments of prayer and interreligious meetings organised together with local representatives of different churches and religions.

These events take place not only in the main cities, but also in the villages and in the country's inland areas.
The aim is to keep the memory of what happened alive - at a time when the clashes in the north of the country create concern about a new scenario of ‘widespread war’ - and to raise awareness that peace must be built every day and that everyone can be an artisan of it through his or her choices and actions.
The central event of the day is the inter-religious gathering in the forecourt of Maputo Cathedral, broadcast on the Facebook page of Sant'Egidio Lusofonia