The poor are subjects: pathways to their true integration in cities at the forum "Solidarity with the Poor and Peace"

Working with the poor and not working for the poor. From a discussion on solidarity, moderated at 'Imagining Peace' by Bishop Ambrogio Spreafico: "Solidarity is a path toward peace because it brings others closer." Emilce Cuda, theologian and Secretary of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, emphasized the need to “place workers at the center of decision-making.” Joan, Orthodox Metropolitan of Albania, highlighted how in societies, “they are not simply objects of charity for the wealthy, but have the opportunity to work and participate in the resources of humanity.”

Bishop Huang Bingzhang of the People's Republic of China helped to shed light on the great work of the Church in China, where not only is faith growing (today China has 98 dioceses), but acts of solidarity toward the poor, the elderly, and the sick have multiplied. Poverty, explains Anuradha Shankar, Representative of the Peacebuilders Forum, is in fact “a form of violence, not a natural condition.”

The relationship with migrants is an indicator. According to Oliver Schuegraf, Lutheran Bishop in Germany, “we must improve how we organize asylum recognition procedures, treating people the same way we expect to be treated by authorities.” Demanding the erosion of asylum and residency rights “does not fight the causes of terrorism.”

Thomas Schwartz, President of Renovabis, reminded us that for 1,000 days innocent people have been losing their lives in Ukraine, and in Russia too, there is suffering due to the war. Therefore, we must stand with the poor because this “creates pathways to peace. Peace is not the goal but the way.” At the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine, notes Silvin Kit from the Federation of Lutheran Churches, the churches of neighboring countries became places of refuge. “Fear and hatred cannot have the last word,” and that’s why we must create communities of hope. The conference concluded with the words of Yoshinori Shinohara, Secretary-General of the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace, Rissho Kosei-kai. Among the association's initiatives was ‘A Table for Peace in Tokyo,’ held both in 2022 and last February. At the table were representatives from Russia, Ukraine, Palestine, and Israel. The main reflection from these meetings was “beyond war, toward reconciliation.” The delegates did not participate in a personal capacity but represented their countries, signifying that nations are willing to sit around the table.