The voice of Afghanistan in Paris. It is the one of Lina Hassani: "Imagining peace? Here is what can make a difference"

 In Paris the voice of wounded Afghanistan, brought by Lina Hassani. Here is a summary of her speech:

"My name is Lina Hassani and I am a 21-year-old Afghan girl of Hazara ethnicity. I arrived in Belgium 5 months ago through the Humanitarian Corridors of the Community of Sant'Egidio. I was born in Kabul, life in Afghanistan has never been easy. In 2009, my father was killed by the Taliban, but my mother, with incredible strength, went on to support our family.
We moved to Dusht-e-Barchi, a neighborhood of Kabul often targeted by Taliban violence. Living there, I witnessed a suicide attack in our school and saw some of my classmates die.
In August 2021, the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, imposing severe restrictions on women. Feeling unsafe, we fled to Pakistan, however even there as refugees, we were seen as a burden, without rights, without access to assistance health and education, always at risk of expulsion. After experiencing many difficulties, in our camp we came into contact with the community of Sant'Egidio, they listened to our concerns and promised to help us, a promise they kept. On April 29, 2024, we embarked on a journey from Pakistan to Belgium with the help of Sant'Egidio. Today, my mother, my sisters and I live in an apartment surrounded by Sant'Egidio and we are loved and accompanied in this new life.

Finally, I express my gratitude to all those who have supported Afghan refugees. I ask you to continue to support Afghan women who are still in desperate need of assistance. Your support can make a difference in their lives and, together, we can pave the way for a more just and equitable future."