Celebrating with the children of the Schools of Peace in the scorching Pakistani summer

In Pakistan, in a summer marked by extreme climatic phenomena - heat up to 49 C degrees while sudden torrential rains flooded entire neighborhoods of Lahore and other cities of Punjab - the Schools of Peace of the Community of Sant'Egidio did not stop their activities. Our youth organized short holidays to provide refreshment to children in Christian areas, where lack of space and difficult hygienic conditions make life even harder.

In Faisalabad, a two-day summer camp was held just outside the city for about forty children. It was the first time for many of them out of the  poor neighbourhoods of Warispura and Medina Town. Everything - games, parties and excellent food with the young people of the Community - was a source of continuous amazement, visible on their faces and in their drawings.

Even in Islamabad and Lahore, the holiday days in water parks, offering refreshment in the extreme heat, ended with some "mango parties", the traditional Pakistani festival celebrating the national fruit in this season.