Summer School 2024 - summer activities organised by the Community of Sant'Egidio to educate for peace through playing and learning experiences

Once again this year, Sant'Egidio is organising summer schools in many Italian and European cities for the children of the Schools of Peace. 
The Summer School is an initiative that takes place during the summer months from June to August in the form of free summer learning centres for boys and girls in the suburbs. They offer recreational activities, but also learning support to catch up on school subjects.
Sant'Egidio also wants to focus its efforts on all those minors who are at risk of dropping out of school and who will have difficulty catching up with their classmates. Every week there is a programme of intensive educational activities, workshops run by young, suitably trained volunteers who help the children to learn.

In addition to learning, they play together and address important topics such as peace education, solidarity and ecology. And then there are day trips and parties to discover the beauty of the city and their own country together with the friends of the School of Peace!