Afghanistan, Andrea Riccardi: humanitarian corridors are a bridge to salvation and freedom

"Sant'Egidio has built a bridge to take you to Italy and reunite many families separated because your country has experienced such great difficulties". Andrea Riccardi, founder of the Community of Sant'Egidio, welcomed the more than one hundred Afghan refugees who arrived in Rome  thanks to the humanitarian corridors on June 21st evening.
"You are a proud people, of great culture and humanity," continued Riccardi, "but unfortunately you have had your freedom stolen. That freedom so many had begun to enjoy: women, by going to school and working; men, by studying and following their own ideals and passions. We know that some countries had proposed this freedom to you, but all this came to an end because of political decisions. And the world has somewhat forgotten Afghanistan'.

"Now you are free to build your future and walk a new path, first of all by learning Italian, being responsible for your families and integrating in this country," concluded the founder of Sant'Egidio. On behalf of all, Fatema, a young painter, and Mirvais, who used to study at university in Kabul, recounted their compatriots' difficult life as they had to leave Afghanistan after the Taliban's return but also their desire to start a new life in Italy.