Let's not forget Afghanistan: 191 more refugees get to safety with the humanitarian corridors. Friday 21 June, their arrival at Fiumicino

191 Afghan refugees arrived on Friday 21 June, on a flight from Islamabad, thanks to the Humanitarian Corridors promoted by the Italian Bishops' Conference (through Caritas Italiana), the Community of Sant'Egidio, the Federation of Evangelical Churches in Italy, Tavola Valdese, and Arci, in agreement with the Ministries of the Interior and Foreign Affairs.

The Afghan citizens, refugees in Pakistan since August 2021, will be immediately transferred to different Italian regions. They will begin a path of integration, starting with language learning and job placement thanks to this project, which is totally at the expense of the proposing organisations. It is supported by a number of NGOs, including Solidaire, which helped organise the flight from Pakistan, Nove Onlus and Fondazione Pangea, which provided some of the families with safe houses for months. The refugees will  be accommodated in homes and facilities made available by the Community of Sant'Egidio, the Italian Protestant Churches, Arci clubs, Caritas, as well as Italian associations and citizens, who have offered their flats to welcome them.