Humanitarian aid and peace: a revolt stopped thanks to Sant’Egidio help in Central Africa.

Solidarity leads to peace: this has recently happened at Bouar, a western district of the Central African Republic, where Sant'Egidio humanitarian aid has been able to stop a revolt destabilizing the entire region near the borders of Cameroon. In fact, for several months, a group of former militiamen, isolated and without resources to live on because of the Covid-19 pandemic, had been blocking the access roads to the city of Bouar, the hub of the country's main commercial route.

The Community of Sant’Egidio, which has been committed for several years to foster peace in the Central African Republic, has intervened by bringing resources and assistance - made available thanks to FAI’s (Fondation Assistance International) economic support. The mission, which occurred through the collaboration with the administration of the Central African Republic, stopped a revolt reopenig the access to the city and also reestablished the trust into a disarmament program, even if there are still different armed groups in the country.

President Touadéra and the local authorities expressed their gratitude for the effective intervention of a potential escalating situation. Sant’Egidio, which has been participating in the national program of disarmament since 2017, will continue to provide humanitarian aid in other districts and villages of the country.