Today's videos

Pope Francis: open heart and integration with migrants. Recounting the experience with Sant’Egidio

On his journey back from Ireland, Pope Francis explains the Church intervention to solve the migrants crisis on the Diciotti ship. His Holiness recall the experience with the Sant’Egidio Community, when returning to Rome with some refugees from Lesbo.
Moreover, Pope Francis said: “I had a gratifying experience when visiting the Roma 3 University”. Among the students posing him questions, he recognized a young woman “I now this face. She was among the 13 I took with me from Lesbo. She was there thanks to Sant’Egidio. Now she is studying and integrated to accademic level. This is how the work with migrants should be – Pope Francis concluded – with an open and compassionate heart, feeling the integration as welcoming condition, and then the rulers’ carefulness.

Listen to Pope Francis’ words (from min 17:40)