The Community of Sant Egidio once again came to the rescue of prisoners at Douala New Bell Central Prison, by providing a tent to shelter them from the sun and rain.
Last month, many became seriously ill, and others tried to escape because the living conditions in the prison are unbearable: the building is old, the roof is made of sheet metal, and the cells are overcrowded (the prison was planned for about 1,000 people and now it holds about 3,200).
Many prisoners prefer to sleep outside. However, they are exposed to the weather, and the insects bite. Moreover, during the day, the heat in the cells is such that it cannot be resisted, but even outdoors, the space is cramped and the sun is burning.
The tent, which the Community of Sant'Egidio donated, is an aid in enduring this difficult situation. It offers some shelter for the night and during the long hot days. It is a small step towards less inhumane living conditions in this big old penitentiary. Hence, it has been welcomed with joy and gratitude by the inmates.