Presentation of the Book
The Cry for Peace
Written by Andrea Riccardi
The founder of the Community of Sant’Egidio reflects on the need for a culture of peace.
Presented by:
- Cameron Hume
- Page Fortna
- Maddalena Maltese
- Peter Coleman
2315 Adam Clayton Powell Jr Blvd
March 26, 2025 | 7 PM
Presentation and discussion on The Cry for Peace as a lens to understand modern-day conflicts.
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The Book: The Cry for Peace
In this book, Andrea Riccardi, In this book, Andrea Riccardi, founder of the Community of Sant’Egidio, reflects on the need to create a culture of peace, a spiritual and social movement that puts peace at the center of public concerns and politics. It is up to each of us to become an artisan of peace: our choice lies at the beginning of peace building. Not turning away means knowing, becoming informed, following events, standing in solidarity with those suffering from war, remembering them in prayer. A living public opinion can influence and change national events and international policies. it can hold back or prevent war, and open avenues for peace.
Cameron Hume
Cameron Hume is currently chair of the Maritime Humanitarian Aid Foundation. He is also chair of the American Indonesian Chamber of Commerce, and previously served as chair of NOAA’s Ocean Exploration Advisory Board. He worked with the Richardson Center to negotiate the return of prisoners from Russia, Iran, Myanmar, and Venezuela.
Page Fortna
Page Fortna (PhD Harvard, 1998) is currently the Harold Brown Professor and Director of the Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies. Her research focuses on terrorism, the international politics of climate change, the durability of peace in the aftermath of both civil and interstate wars, and war termination.
Maddalena Maltese
Maddalena Maltese is a media professional with more than a decade of experience covering global politics, human rights, migration, culture and religion, producing stories for written media outlets and news services in Italy and the USA. She is also the representative in New York of New Humanity NGO of Focolare Movement.
Peter Coleman
ColemanDr. Peter T. Coleman is currently a Professor of Psychology and Education atColumbia University and director of the Morton Deutsch International Center forCooperation and Conflict Resolution. He is founding director of the Institute forPsychological Science and Practice and is co-executive director of ColumbiaUniversity’s Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict, and Complexity.