Haim Korsia, Chief Rabbi of France: Imagined Peace "is not a Dream, but an objective and a path that can be perfected"

For Haim Khorsia, Chief Rabbi of France, "Imagining Peace" - the theme at the center of the international debate in Paris at the initiative of the Community of Sant'Egidio - implies that we are not at peace. Imagining peace despite everything: this is the school of the prophets. Preparing the dawn by imagining it. Making sure that it comes true. 'The repair of the world, so fundamental to Judaism, requires mixed intelligences and is the need of this era".

Victor Hugo wrote: "...united, we will be invincible". He spoke of the Republic, "but he dreamed of brotherhood". Precisely "when you fight, in that moment you cannot stop Imagining Peace, in the shoes of the other, even letting a part of yourself die in the name of the other". The dream is not utopia, but a perfectible objective and path.