"Universal sisters and brothers to renew the world". The Communities of Sant' Egidio in Spain meet with Marco Impagliazzo

"Universal brothers and sisters to renew the world"was the title of the meeting of Sant'Egidio of Spain. From 22 to 23 June they gathered in Madrid with Marco Impagliazzo, President of the Community.

These were days rich in new perspectives for the future of Sant'Egidio in the country. The Community feels the responsibility to renew society starting from the poorest and finding in the Gospel the strength to transform the world and rebuild a common destiny.
The Communities of Barcelona, Manresa and Tarragona had the opportunity to visit the new "Fratelli Tutti" house that the Community of Madrid inaugurated a year ago. The meeting concluded with the Eucharistic Liturgy celebrated in the church of Nuestra Señora de las Maravillas.