Schools of Peace in Africa celebrate International Day of the African Child

16 June marks the Day of the African Child, introduced in 1991 by the African Union to commemorate the tragic massacre of students in Soweto in 1976, when they protested against racial segregation in access to education. 
This day is an occasion to remember, yet it also offers an opportunity to reflect and engage on the rights of children in Africa, the world's youngest continent.
The Community of Sant'Egidio has always been deeply passionate about Africa and its future. Since the 1990s it has been actively working in favour of the younger African generations.
From the very beginning, Sant'Egidio has developed crucial programmes dedicated particularly to children, such as the Schools of Peace.
The Day of the African Child was celebrated in many cities in Africa with parties and events. We publish some pictures from Cameroun, Congo, Mozambique. 

More pictures will be published as soon as they are received by the editorial staff.