Wrecks and Landings: 3129 small boats not to forget the people who lost their lives at sea

A video on the Exhibition of Sant'Egidio Art Workshops in Venice.

Some names of the people who lost their lives in 2023 to reach Europe float on a digital sea.

3129 is the number of people, adults and children, who have lost their lives in the Mediterranean and along the Balkan route. They are remembered by 3129 paper boats made by people with disabilities from the Art Workshops of the Community of Sant'Egidio. 
The exhibition "Naufragi - Approdi" (Wrecks - Landings), the result of the encounter between the artist César Meneghetti, the Sant'Egidio Art Workshops and the curatorship of Alessandro Zuccari, is a warning not to look away from the tragedy of migration and to reflect on the need to build a world of justice and solidarity.

The "Naufragi - Approdi" exhibition is located in the splendid porticoed atrium of the Giorgio Franchetti Gallery at Ca' d'Oro in Venice. The exhibition is now open  every day except Monday, from 10am to 7pm until 15 September.