Today's videos

The Community of Sant’Egidio of the United States attended the March for Our Lives in their respective cities, Boston, Washington Dc and New York

On Saturday June 11, members of the Community of Sant’Egidio around the United States attended the March for Our Lives in their respective cities, Boston , Washington Dc and New York..

As Pope Francis said, “it is time to say enough to the indiscriminate trafficking of arms.” Indeed, our country has been racked by the violence of firearms. In instances of mass shootings and in the brazen daily violence that terrorizes our cities we see that weapons only bring more pain and suffering.

Continuing with the tradition of praying for an end to gun violence, as we continue to do around the country and in a special way in Washington D.C., remembering all the lives lost, Sant’Egidio participated, even with children of the School of Peace, to say “enough!”