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The new church in the House of Friendship of the Community of Sant’Egidio in Blantyre has been inaugurated.

The first prayer was presided by Mgr. Vincenzo Paglia, who met the Community in his visit to Africa

Vincenzo Paglia visita la Comunità di Sant'Egidio di Blantyre in Malawi In the centre of the city of Blantyre, in Malawi, there is the House of Friendship of Sant’Egidio: a building which is the heart of the Community that welcomes also many services with the poor. Just a few days ago the works to build the church have been completed and the Community will now be able to gather there for prayer. In the middle of the presbytery there is a big icon of the face of God, painted in Ukraine.

It has been a great joy that the first prayer of the Community in this new place has been presided by Mgr. Vincenzo Paglia, as he was visiting the Community of Malawi whilst travelling in some countries of the south of Africa.

There were 650 people at the prayer, most of them young people. At the end the assembly of Advent took place and Archbishop Vincenzo underlined the importance of the new building, sign of love and presence of God in the heart of the city and of its people.

Sunday morning Archbishop Paglia presided the Mass in the St Vincent de Paoli parish, in the periphery of Blantyre, which is entrusted to the pastoral care of Fr. Ernest Kafunsa and Fr. Frank Gumbwa, priests of the Missionary Sacerdotal Fraternity of Sant’Egidio.