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International Center of Culture (Plaza de la Piramide)


International Centre of Culture (former Enver Hoxha museum), known also as Piramida

International Center of Culture “Arbnori”(Pyramid), or as it is known in the country, the pyramid, was built and was inaugurated as a mausoleum for the dictator Enver Hoxha in 1988 in Tirana, three years after the dictator's death. This museum that cost three and a half million dollars, was built at a time when the Albanian people were living in extreme poverty. The museum was built in two years. Three hundred workers was employed for the construction of the pyramid. In the early years of democracy, on August 8, 1991, by Decision No. 286 of the Council of Ministers, this building was given the name "International Center of Culture". With Decision No. 20 dated 28.09.1995 Tirana District Court, ICC has been registered as a legal entity. By decision of the Council of Ministers no. 475 dated 12.07.2006 International Cultural Centre is named International Center of Culture "Arbnori" in honor of the remarkable figure of Pjetër Arbnori. In its status is determined that this institution will deal with cultural and artistic activities, leisure, entertainment and commercial activities. International Center of Culture "Arbnori" is self-funding institution. Part of its structure used to be: The Cinema, Odeon (hall of artistic shows), fine arts gallery, seminar halls etc. Parliament, with Decision No. 66, dated 21.10.2010, approved the following: "For the establishment and functioning of the state board, for the establishment of new Parliamentary Complex.” The Pyramid was almost destroyed for the construction of the new parliamentary complex. Currently, the International Center of Culture "Arbnori" is dislocated from the building of the Pyramid, and relocated in two offices on “Muhamet Gjollesha” street, Tirana. The staff has been reduced and currently consists of five people. In this period, the International Center of Culture "Arbnori” has built a new artistic strategy, organizing shared activities with Cultural Centers and Municipalities of different cities of Albania, to identify the best cultural and artistic values of each region. Also ICC is paying special attention to the collaboration with similar Centers and Albanian communities abroad to identify value and to provide a better image of our country, through professional and elite projects.

[ - luglio 2015]


Tirana 2015 - Peace is Always Possible

Ceremonia final
Intervenciones conclusivas - Testimonios - Proclamación, entrega y firma del Llamamiento de Paz 2015

8 Septiembre 2015 19:00 programa 

Proclamación del LLAMAMIENTO DE PAZ 2015

8 Septiembre 2015 19:30 programa 



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