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August 10 2013 | CATANIA, ITALY

Welcoming migrants fleeing from Syria and Egypt

The Community of Sant'Egidio aids the survivors of the fishing vessel that arrived in Catania this morning. Videointerview

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Emiliano Abramo of the Community of Sant'Egidio describes the situation at the port of  Catania, where first aid is being provided to the immigrants who disembarked at  dawn: "I am fleeing from war and violence. There is need for aid, clothes and linen" 

September 11 2017

At the meeting #pathsofpeace, the cry of pain of christian Syria is heard

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July 25 2017

Summer of Solidarity 2017 with the Community of Sant'Egidio: some pictures from the world

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April 22 2017

Pope Francis' prayer in memory of the martyrs of our time. Photogallery of the visit

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February 27 2017

Refugees, one year of humanitarian corridors celebrated today with a new arrival from Lebanon

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January 30 2017

Building bridges, not walls: 540 Syrian refugees saved through #humanitariancorridors!

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December 20 2016

Community of Sant'Egidio in Pakistan awarded by the Ministry of Human Rights for its commitment with the poor

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all the news
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Roma sette

Congo e Sud Sudan, Gnavi: «La liberazione ha il nome di Gesù»

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La Nazione

Un pasto per chi non ha nulla. Ecco come si può dare una mano

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Migrazioni: Pompei (Comunità Sant’Egidio), “nuove modalità di ingresso in Italia più flessibili ed efficienti”

February 4 2018

Raid xenofobo a Macerata. La Comunità di Sant’Egidio conforta i feriti

February 2 2018
el Periódico

La brújula de los sintecho

February 1 2018
La Vanguardia

La dificultad de acceso a vivienda aumenta el riesgo de pobreza en Barcelona

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Comunità di Sant'Egidio

Cinque proposte sull’immigrazione

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#savealeppo: le principali adesioni pervenute

#savealeppo: salvare aleppo e proteggere i cristiani in medio oriente

Omelia di S.E. Card. Antonio Maria Vegliò alla preghiera "Morire di Speranza". Lampedusa 3 ottobre 2014

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